Earth Day online event 5 p.m. EDT
April 16, 2023 It's called Indigenous Wisdom and Science-based solutions for Changing Times. It's called A Matter of Survival. It's...

News coverage on Lazy Bay Commons
March 23, 2023 Three years of struggle ended with a springtime settlement for residents and the community association in Mechanicsville....

Settlement announced on Lazy Bay Commons
Agreement with NCC offers more parkland at Embassy Precinct Saving greenspace has galvanized community since 2019 MEDIA RELEASE -- FOR...

Bangladeshi embassy needs a better location
November 17, 2022--Big Trees of Kitchissippi is among 5 signatories to an open letter sent Nov. 15 to the High Commission of Bangladesh...

Support new city council at rally Nov. 15
How often do environmental and social justice groups rally in support of the City of Ottawa? That's exactly what's happening on Tuesday,...

Please add this to your to-do list
August 29, 2022 Here's a message from the Mechanicsville Community Association's working group opposed to the NCC;s proposed embassy...

Yasir Naqvi counters NCC's shenanigans with strongly worded letter
by Debra Huron, BiG TREES of Kitchissippi August 26, 2022 Ottawa Centre MP, and former Attorney General of Ontario, Yasir Naqvi has...

NCC launches outrageous move to block community association at Ont. Land Tribunal hearings
by Roy Atkinson, Chair MCA Trees Not Embassies Working Group August 24, 2022 Background to the situation may be found here (link to CBC...

No trees left standing
MARCH 17, 2022 On the morning of March 16, a chainsaw operator arrived at the site where a towering Scotch pine and an equally large...

Only 2 trees survive Stage 2 LRT power play
Photo shows a Scotch pine and a maple that remain after March 15 clear-cutting near Dominion transit station. March 15, 2022 Two weeks of...