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Take action, raise your concerns

SEPT. 14, 2021 -- After months of deliberation and after hearing the concerns of Kitchissippi residents, Ottawa city staff have issued a report that recommends politicians at planning committee approve all the NCC's requests for rezoning/Official Plan amendments that relate to destruction of Lazy Bay Commons so an embassy precinct may be built.

You can view the documents here. However, the staff report is unequivocal in its complete capitulation to the NCC's requests for rezoning and an amendment to the Official Plan. Outrage is an appropriate response to the City's recommendations. But it's politicians, not city staff, who will decide whether to approve the NCC's zoning applications.

All citizens are eligible to make their views known to politicians who sit on planning committee. You can do that by writing directly to councillors, or you can use the city's committee structure to either write or make a verbal presentation (via Zoom) on Sept. 23 when the committee meets.

The following councillors sit on Planning Committee;

Co-Chairs: Councillor G. Gower and S. Moffatt

Members of the committee: R. Brockington, J. Cloutier, L. Dudas, A. Hubley,C. Kitts, J. Leiper, S. Menard, J. Sudds, T. Tierney

Councillor Jeff Leiper of Kitchissippi Ward is on record as opposing the NCC's embassy precinct plan. Make sure he knows your views by copying him when you submit to the committee's clerk. Reach Mr. Leiper at


Here are the guidelines for participating in and submitting your views to the upcoming planning committee. meeting.

Planning Committee will meet on Thursday, September 23, 2021 9:30 AM. This item is #3 on the agenda.

[FROM THE CITY OF OTTAWA'S WEBSITE: This meeting will be held through Electronic Participation in accordance with Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended by as amended by the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020.

This Meeting may be viewed online on the Ottawa City Council YouTube Channel

Public Delegations City Hall is temporarily closed to help stop the spread of COVID-19. There are several ways the general public can provide submissions to the Members of Planning

Committee and to Council (for the October 13, 2021 full city council meeting), as follows:

a) Submit comments in writing: To submit comments in writing, email the Committee Coordinator (

In order to ensure that written comments can be provided to the Committee prior to the meeting, the deadline for submitting written comments is 4:00 PM on the last business day prior to the meeting, being Wednesday, September 22. Comments received after this time will be forwarded to Members of Committee and Council as soon as possible, and prior to Council’s final consideration of the item on October 13, 2021 but may not be received by Committee members prior to the September 23, 2021 meeting.

b) Submit verbal comments in advance of the meeting: Call the Committee Coordinator by 4:00 PM on the last business day prior to the meeting, being Wednesday, September 22. to have comments transcribed (613-580-2424, x22953).

c) Register to speak for up to five minutes during the Committee meeting:

i). Register by phone no later than 4:00 PM on the last business day prior to the meeting, being Wednesday, September 22: You may contact the Committee Coordinator 613-580-2424, x22953.

The clerk will provide details for those wishing to make visual presentations (PowerPoint) to the committee.

ii). Register by email - no later than one hour prior to the start time set for the meeting, being 8:30 AM on Thursday, September 23: You may contact the Committee Coordinator ( prior to 8:30 AM. on Thursday, September 23, 2021. The clerk will provide details for those wishing to make visual presentations (PowerPoint) to the committee.

Notwithstanding the deadlines noted above, public delegations are requested to register as soon as possible in order to facilitate an orderly registration process and meeting. They must include their name, telephone number and email address (if available).

Registration is required so that the Coordinator may provide Zoom meeting information to the speaker. Upon receipt of registration to speak at the meeting, delegates will be provided the Zoom meeting details and password. Please note that neither a computer, nor a video sharing device, is required to participate in the meeting via Zoom. You may also opt to call in from a cell or landline telephone. A toll-free number will be provided for this purpose.


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