Discovery Walks aim to protect Hampton Park

Join the Friends of Hampton Park for 3 Discovery Walks. The first one happens on Monday, July 22 followed by two more, on Weds. August 7 and Weds. August 21. All walks begin at the wading pool, which is near the corner of Parkview Road and Sebring Ave. All walks begin at 7 p.m.

A Discovery Walk is your chance to find out about the Park’s history, what plants and animals call Hampton Park home, and future initiatives you can be part of.

According to Sharon Boddy, from the Friends' group, Hampton Park was established in 1927. In recent years, it has lost more than 400 trees, and has seen an influx of invasive species. The Friends of Hampton Park want to address some of these concerns, and see what our community can do to ensure that Hampton Park is healthy for the next 100 years.

The Discovery Walks are stand-alone events that will be animated by local people knowledgeable about trees and about Hampton Park's unique challenges. Enjoy a stroll in cool greenery and connect to people who care about this historic piece of green space in Kitchissippi Ward.

Want more info? Please contact Sharon at
